Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Continue to work on the ATLC project, reflections and readings

Links to the course co-ordinator's blog: http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/stories/s2971128.htm

Links to his e-resouorces WIKI:

Links to his presentation titled Essential Conversations: 4 Visions of CALL in 2008.

I am in Hong Kong for my annual leave. If there is no Internet , no cloud computing, my progress of my learning would be stumbled by not being able to access resources.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Links to useful resources

While doing the project for the ATLC course, I am using the blog as my one stop shop for all links. Today, one of the project leaders put in the link to her publication and that is very useful to see how those papers are related to what we are currently working towards to.

I showed my blog to two postgraduate stds but amazingly enough that both had no idea of what a blog is about.

Trip to Italy June 20th -29th 2022

We waited for more than two years before we could embark on a trip that we had planned in 2020 to celebrate Marina's completion of secon...